What Are Continuations

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Continuations in scheme are quite tricky. Here we will try to delve deep into how they work.

What is a Continuation?

A continuation, is “just about to return from call-with-current-continuation”, and it represents the rest of the computations.

In other words, a continuation is an arbitrary point in a program where a value is expected.

Continuations essentially save the state of the current program(registers, ip/ep, etc), and halts execution.

Using Continuations as Currying

(+ a b) ; we need to fill in a b with values! These are the "arbitrary points"

How do we fill in these points? We can either pass in values, or more interestingly, we can kind of curry this function by passing in 2 initially.

(define handle #f) ; define a variable bound to continuation.

; pass in 2 as the first argument always
(+ 2
    ; this call/cc routine substitutes the 2nd 
    ; argument of the function.
    ; We expect the argument to be a procedure that 
    ; takes 1 argument - the continuation.
    (call/cc (lambda (k) ; k is the continuation
        ; We bind handle to the continuation point.
        ; and the we return the value 2.
        (set! handle k) 2)    

Here, k is the continuation point, and we can set handle to k. We don’t yet evaluate (+ 2 ...), and so we get back the handle that, once evaluated, will give us the value.

We could’ve done something like:

(define handle
    (lambda (x) (+ 2 x)))

but there are more uses for continuations.

Using Continuations as Returns

In Scheme, we don’t have “returns”, and so for example if we wanted to search for an element in a list that matches a criteria, we would have to recurse down to that element, and the recurse back up the function stack to return the value. Would it be nice if we had a short-circuit?

;;; Does not compile!
(define (search want? lst)
    (for-each (lambda (e)
        (if (want? e) (return e))) lst) ; return the element early!
    #f ; no results

This would be really nice, because for-each will go through every single element and return the last element.

We can use call/cc to emulate the return though!

;;; Does compile!
(define (search want? lst)
        (lambda (return) ; here we define the return value.
            (for-each (lambda (e)
                (if (want? e) (return e))) lst) ; return the element early!

What happens here is that the moment we find the value via want? e, we send the e into return, which is a procedure that takes a continuation.

The entire subroutine just stops right there, and call/cc just returns the element. All the registers and instruction pointers are saved at that snapshot, with the %rax register holding the value of e.

Green Threads and Generators

A green thread is a thread that’s on the user-level, and cannot reap the benefits of parallelism. Its usage is usually for multiplexing between coroutines.

One can implement green threads using continuations! A master clock can call a ton of coroutines using continuations, by aggregating a list of them, and calling each one in order.

(thread1 1) ; Each thread is a call/cc return value.
(thread2 2)
(threadN N)
(thread1 1) ; back to the beginning! Multiplex N threads.

Generators are also similar - in fact, in python, there is very little difference between the asyncio coroutines and python generators. You can iterate through a list without having to hold all of it:

;;; Nice try! But not there.
(define (iter lst)
    (call/cc (lambda (return)
        (return (car lst))
        (iter (cdr lst)))))

(define x (list 1 2 3))

(iter x) ; 1
(iter x) ; 1
(iter x) ; 1

This will give us a non-stateful generator.

To capture state, we need to have a state variable.

;;; Stolen from http://danielfm.me/posts/why-are-continuations-so-darn-cool.html
(define (iter lst)
    ;; Defines `state` as being a function that starts the
    ;; iteration via `for-each`
    (define (state return)
            (lambda (item)
            ;; Here, we capture the continuation that represents the
            ;; current state of the iteration
            (let/cc item-cc
                ;; Before the item is yielded, we update `state` to
                ;; `item-cc` so the computation is resumed the next
                ;; time the generator is called
                (set! state item-cc)
                ;; Yields the current item to the caller
                (return item)))

    ;; Yields 'done when the list is exhausted
    (return 'done))

    ;; Returns a function that calls the stored `state` with the
    ;; current continuation so we can yield one item at a time
    (define (generator)
        (call/cc state))

(define x (list 1 2 3))
(define next (iter x))
(next) ; 1
(next) ; 2
(next) ; 3