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Rvalue and Lvalue

Simplified definition:

int i = 1;
int* p = &i; // address exists!
i = 2; // memory is modified!

class foo;
foo f; // also resides in memory!
int x = 2;
int* p = &(x+2); // error! not a memory location!

i+2 = 4; // error! cannot assign to rvalue!

auto sum = [](int x, int y){return x + y;};

sum(3,4) = 2; // error! rvalue!

Foo f;
f = foo(); // foo() is an rvalue!

The “l” stands for “left hand side”, and “r” is “right hand side”.


The classic reference type is denoted by {type}&, like int& x = y.

We cannot assign a reference an rvalue!

int x = 3;
int& y = x; // OK!
int& z = 2; // ERROR!

Small (Confusing) Exception

There is a small exception, which is constant references!

int x = 3;
int& y = 2; // ERROR!
const int& z = 2; // OK!

Why does this work? during compile time, you declare something to be const allows the right hand side to exist as an lvalue temporarily, so then the reference can capture it properly.

Functions Can Yield Lvalues

You would think that most functions just return by value, giving you all rvalues.

That’s not true.

Consider the following:

int foo(){ return 3; }

int global = 3;
int& bar(){ return global; }

Here, foo() returns an rvalue. However, bar() returns an lvalue.

Rvalue References

We know int& x as a reference. In C++11, we introduce the idea of an rvalue reference, denoted by int&& x.

void foo(int& i){ ... }
void foo(int&& i){ ... }

int a = 1;
foo(a); // calls (int& i)
foo(5); // calls (int&& i)

Small Aside: function overloading ambiguity

As we said above, you can have two different arguments. However, can we add this?

void foo(int i){ ... }
void foo(int& i){ ... }
void foo(int&& i){ ... }

int a = 1;
foo(a); // ERROR!

The answer is no. It’s extremely ambiguous, because you can pass by value or pass by reference in general.

Move Semantics

In CS32, I’ve learned the idea of a constructor and a copy constructor. However, there is a third type in c++11: move constructor.

A move constructor takes in an rvalue, instead of a const reference or a bunch of inputs:

class Foo{
    Foo(const Foo&& rhs){ // move ctor

This constructor takes in an rvalue, which is a temporary object residing on the registers(not in memory!)

So now that you’ve seen it, how do you use it?


We use std::move to invoke the move constructor of the object. An example:

void bar(Foo&& foo){

bar(std::move(foo)); // works!

A general survey can be shown as:

bar_by_ref(foo); // no constructor calls
bar_by_val(foo); // calls copy constructor
bar_by_move(std::move(foo)); // calls move constructor

So as you can see the ranking of speed is : reference > move > value. Generally.

So what can you std::move efficiently?

If you wanted to move an lvalue, you would likely have to use an RAII container that does this for you. Refer to the Essential C++ blog for RAII.

std::auto_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo()); // auto_ptrs are deprecated btw
bar(std::move(foo)); // changed ownership. foo now is null.

If you wanted to move an rvalue, you’re in luck! You can std::move() as much as you want.

In fact, in C++11 and above, the stl containers implemented std::move internally for rvalues(not sure about lvalues), and the performance went up by a noticeable margin.

If you’ve got a large object that you want to std::move, aka swap pointers with large memory members, then implement your own move constructor!