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std::thread Syntax and Functions

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void hello_world(){
    cout << "hello world!" << endl;

int main(){
    thread t(hello_world); 
    assert(t.joinable() == false);
    return 0;

In this case, we create a thread, bind a function to it, and then wait for it to finish using join().

What if we called detach()? Then even after the instantiation t gets destroyed(after leaving its scope), the thread will still continue operations.

After join() is done executing, we can guarantee that t is no longer associated with the actual thread, since the thread’s execution actually finished.

This means, joinable() will become false because it’s only true for an active thread of execution.

You must join or detach

What happens if we don’t call join() or detach(), and just allow the thread’s destructor to get called? Then in the destructor of t, it will check for whether joinable(), and if it is, it will raise std::terminate().

Now you must be thinking, why so violent? std::terminate() should only be called in a few special circumstances like double exception propagation.

Say instead of terminate, it just detach’s the thread in the destructor. What would happen?

We could be inevitably allowing undefined behavior as the (destroyed) child thread could be using references to the scope of which was already destroyed. Thus, the designers of std::thread thought termiante was a necessary condition to avoid difficult UB-debugging.

We can’t allow a thread to not join() in exception handling, so for example:

int main(){
    thread t(my_func);
        do_something(); // exceptions could be called!

… which looks very ugly.

We can also implement a thread_guard using RAII:

class thread_guard{
    std::thread& t;
    explicit thread_guard(std::thread& t_) : t(t_) {}
            t.join(); // force join here


int main(){
    thread t(my_func);
    thread_guard g(t); // RAII
    do_something(); // exceptions could be called!

In this case, when main() exits, ~g() is called before ~t() is called. Therefore, we will join() on t before the destructor of t is called which could possibly completely kill us.

When you detach() a thread, the thread is usually called a daemon thread, which runs in the background with no way of communication.

A case study of this is creating a new document window in a GUI:

int main(){
        int command = get_input();
        if(command == OPEN_NEW){
            thread t(open_document);
            t.detach(); // we create it and let it run.

Don’t detach() While Using Locals

void print(char* cp){
    printf("%s\n", cp);

void foo(){
    char buffer[1024];
    sprintf(buffer, "hello world!");
    std::thread t(print, buffer); // buffer is an argument.
    t.detach(); // uh oh!

In the above situation, we passed in a local variable, buffer, which is used by the thread in print().

If we did a join(), this is fine. However, we detach()‘d. This means if the following sequence occured:

  1. Create thread, calls the print function
  2. detach() gets called, buffer is freed.
  3. printf() is called with cp.

… then we have undefined behavior!

So keep in mind that when we’re detaching, never reference local variables.

Transfering ownership of threads

The ownership model of std::threads is very much like std::unique_ptr. You should use std::move to move current thread context from one RAII container to another.

thread t1(my_func);
thread t2 = std::move(t1);

After this execution, t1 now is not joinable(), as it has no active thread context, and t2 instead has the thread context.

What if we did this:

thread t1(my_func);
thread t2(my_func);
t2 = std::move(t1); // uh oh!

Here, t2’s original active context will be removed, without join()’s or detach()’s. We can only expect an std::terminate here.